Чошанов Мурат Аширович

Ученая степень, ученое звание: Член-корреспондент Российской академии естествознания, доктор педагогических наук, профессор.

Место работы: Техасский Университет Эль Пасо (США).

Научные интересы: исследование влияния предметных знаний учителя на практику обучения и успеваемость учащихся среднего звена школы; сравнительные исследования в области математического образования.

Наиболее значимые публикации:

  1. Tchoshanov, M., Cruz, M., Shakirova, K., Ibragimova, E., Shakirova, L. (2017). Analyzing connections between teacher and student topic-specific knowledge of lower secondary mathematics. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 47, 54-69.
  2. Tchoshanov, M., Cruz, M., Shakirova, K., Ibragimova, E., Shakirova, L. (2017). Comparative analysis of mathematics teachers’ content knowledge in USA and Russia through the lens of TIMSS results. Education and Self-Development, 12, 1(50), 23-33.
  3. Tchoshanov, M., Cruz, M., Huereca, K., Shakirova, K., Shakirova, L., Ibragimova, E. (2017). Examination of lower secondary mathematics teachers’ content knowledge and its connection to students’ performance. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 15(4), 683–702.
  4. Tchoshanov, M., Kosheleva, O., Kreinovich, V. (2016). From equations to tri-quations and multi-quations. International Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 11(3), 105-111.
  5. Tchoshanov, M. A. (2011). Relationship between teacher content knowledge, teaching practice, and student achievement in middle grades mathematics. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 76(2), 141-164.
  6. Tchoshanov, M. (2014). Engineering of Learning; Conceptualizing e-Didactics. UNESCO: Institute for Information Technologies in Education.